Author: admin
As of the time of writing this article, Bitcoin (BTC) has fallen by approximately 24% in the past 3…
The developer, Alinwein, was one of the early adopters when the price of Bitcoin was below $0.05 in…
David Tepper’s hedge fund Appaloosa ranked 12th on the all-time best hedge funds list, with a three-…
Since the oil-dollar contract has not been renegotiated, will Saudi Arabia continue to accept the US…
The BRICS alliance has sent invitations to 21 countries for a forum planned to be held in X month of…
Senior trader and analyst Peter Brandt stated that after the market crash in 2009, the price of Bitc…
The cryptocurrency asset management company Hashdex has submitted a joint application for a Bitcoin…
DefiLlama announced that the TON blockchain has experienced a significant surge, with Total Value Lo…
BNB Chain has announced its collaboration with Binance’s venture capital division to establish an in…
Due to the upcoming “Chang” hard fork, the Cardano (ADA) community is set to inherit ADA tokens wort…