Currently, many economic indicators related to predicting a recession are issuing warnings. The trading game investment research platform points out that there are severe difficulties in the labor market, and the pace of layoffs is sharply increasing. Historically, this trend has occurred before an economic downturn since 1995. Recent signs indicate that the number of people permanently unemployed each year has risen to the levels seen during the dot-com bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic, causing concerns about a potential recession in the second half of 2024. Additionally, data from AlphaSense suggests that many US companies may engage in large-scale layoffs due to “operational efficiency,” especially since 2020. Read more: [image] According to historically accurate indicators, an economic recession could sweep the United States within a few months. Despite the strong bullish momentum currently, experts warn that the US may face one of the most severe recessions in history, potentially comparable to the Great Depression of 1929. Speculation is primarily focused on the timing of the economic downturn, with many predicting that it will occur in the second half of 2024, influenced by the interest rate decisions to be made by the Federal Reserve. [image]
The likelihood of economic recession in the United States steadily rises month by month
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